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Aug 30
Sun, Aug 30, 2020 - Sun, Jan 31, 2021

Coming Soon!


The Bring It Home Program offers events and workshops for participants on a regular basis.  Keep an eye out for new and upcoming events at https://homeenergynav.ca/events/

Date and Time
Sun, Aug 30, 2020
Sun, Jan 31, 2021
Event Organizer

The Home Energy Navigator Program acknowledges that it conducts its business on the Traditional Territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən speaking peoples. We recognize the First Nations governments across this region-Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees) and Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) Nations here in the core area, the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations {W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱,(Tsawout) W̱SIKEM (Tseycum)} out on the Saanich Peninsula and Gulf Islands, to the west Sc’ianew (Beecher Bay), T’Sou-ke, and Pacheedaht, and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) and Pune’laxutth’ (Penelekut) Nationsconnection to the land that continues to this day.