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What to expect with your EnerGuide evaluation
An EnerGuide home evaluation is a comprehensive service provided by an unbiased, NRCan licensed Energy Advisor to assess your home’s energy performance, improve its efficiency, and make your home more comfortable. Your Energy Advisor will complete a site visit, where they will collect data home and create an energy model of your home. During the site visit, they will discuss priority areas to upgrade, your renovation plans, any concerns you have about your home, as well as rebates and grants that may be available.
Calling for a quote
Prior to booking your evaluation, here are a couple of things to note to help you choose the right Energy Advisor.
- Use the provincial Program Qualified Energy Advisor Search Tool to find an Energy Advisor in your area. This list is regularly updated.
- Call around to get a ‘feel’ for the Advisors. We recommend calling at least 3-5 Energy Advisors for quotes or service information.
Questions to ask when selecting your Energy Advisor
- How much does it cost for a pre-retrofit evaluation and how much does it cost for the post-retrofit evaluation?
- How are your fees determined?
- Where are you located? Will there be mileage fees?
- How much time will you spend at my house for the evaluation?
- Do you use thermal imaging or other specialized equipment?
- Will you perform the Blower Door Test and does the test work?
- Will there be a chance to ask questions about upgrades, rebates, etc. during the evaluation?
- Will you provide ongoing support after the evaluation?
- When can I expect to receive my reports back?
What should you expect?
The do’s and don’ts of an EnerGuide evaluation. It is important to know what you should expect from your home evaluation. This guide is intended to help you ask the right questions and know what you should be expecting with your in-home visit, consultation with the Energy Advisor, as well as timing and expectations for your reports after their visit.
How much might I expect an evaluation to cost
The baseline in BC is around $600 or more for the pre-retrofit and $300 for post-retrofit evaluations. The combined cost for a pre-retrofit (before upgrades) and post-retrofit (after upgrades) evaluation together can range anywhere from $700-$1,200, or more depending on the Advisor. You can access a $600 grant when accessing the federal Canada Greener Homes Program to offset some of this cost.
Each Energy Advisor will set their own rates, costs vary based on:
- Location (if you are more remote or require a ferry, this will likely increase cost)
- Size and complexity of the home
- Additional suites or secondary buildings
- Extra services
Thermal imaging or other ‘extra’ services
Some Energy Advisors provide additional services (with or without a fee) such as thermal imaging.
While thermal imaging cameras aren’t a required tool to use during an EnerGuide evaluation, they can be a great way to help identify missing insulation in your home and get to the root cause of some of those pesky drafts! Thermal imaging cameras require a large temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air in order to work correctly; during warmer months, the camera won’t be as effective.
- If this is something you would like, be sure to ask if the Advisor will use one during their visit.
Your on-site evaluation should include
- Your Energy Advisor will collect the measurements of your home, assess your home’s insulation levels, windows and doors, heating and hot water systems, and ventilation equipment.
- Your Energy Advisor will conduct a Blower Door Test to measure the air leakage in your home. Your Energy Advisor should walk through the home with you and point out areas of air leakage. You’d be surprised at all the hidden leaks!
✔ While the Blower Door Fan is running, you can walk through the home with your energy advisor and find all the air leakage spots.
☒ Be wary if your Energy Advisor doesn’t use a Blower Door Fan. It is a required component of an evaluation. Note: if your home is suspected to have vermiculite, the Energy Advisor might deem it unsafe to perform a Blower Door Test.
Following your evaluation
- Your Energy Advisor will create an energy model based on data collected during the site visit.
- Typically within 2 weeks of your evaluation, you will receive a Renovation Upgrade Report, a Homeowner Information Sheet, and an EnerGuide Label with your EnerGuide Rating, from your Energy Advisor.
- Discussion about completing a post-retrofit evaluation after upgrades are completed.
✔ Your Energy Advisor provides your reports within a timely manner. Your reports are customized to your home, your Energy Advisor explains the details found in your reports.
☒ Be wary if your Energy Advisor provides your reports late, and the reports are not customized.
Your post-retrofit evaluation should include
- Your Energy Advisor will return to your home to document the upgrades you’ve made since their first visit. This will include a new Blower Door Test.
- They will update the energy model with the new data and send you a new Homeowner Information Sheet, and an EnerGuide Label containing your new Rating.