The Home Energy Navigator Program Terms and Conditions

  1. The Home Energy Navigator (Home Energy Nav) Program (the “Program”) is administered in whole or in part, by City Green Solutions (“City Green”), the Capital Regional District (the “CRD”), the City of Vancouver (“CoV”), the Regional District of Nanaimo (“RDN”), the City of Nanaimo (“CoN”), the Comox Valley Regional District (“CVRD”), and the City of Kelowna (“Kelowna”) together the “Administrators”, and in collaboration, from time to time, with additional third-party contributors (each, a “Collaborating Party”).
  2. The Program Terms are effective after program launch on November 08, 2022 until funds are exhausted.
  3. General Eligibility
  4. To access the Program, each applicant ( a “Participant”) must satisfy the eligibility and other requirements set out in these terms and conditions. The eligibility criteria of premises (the “Premises”) are as follows:
    1. Participants must be owners of a home within the Capital Regional District, the City of Vancouver, the Regional District of Nanaimo, Comox Valley Regional District, or the City of Kelowna.
    2. Participants must register to participate in the program.
    3. Each Premise must have a separate registration.
    4. Each Premise must be connected to a current residential utility service account with FortisBC Inc., and/or BC Hydro.
    5. Must be primarily heated by:
      1. natural gas supplied by FortisBC Inc.
      2. electricity (hard-wired electric heating systems such as electric baseboards, radiant ceiling, radiant floors, or forced-air furnace) supplied by BC Hydro or
      3. oil
      4. propane
      5. wood or other solid fuel
    6. The following types of premises are eligible for the Program:
      1. single family detached dwelling;
      2. single family detached dwelling with a secondary suite that is individually metered;
      3. mobile home that is permanently fixed, sits on a foundation, and is structurally complete with installed and connected plumbing, heating, electrical, water and sewer services; towing apparatus and axle have been removed; or
      4. duplex, triplex, row home or townhome, where each unit has its own natural gas and/or electricity meter.
    7. Garages, workshops and outbuildings are not eligible to access the Program.
    8. Premises must be a year-round primary residence that is at least 12 months old.
  5. Program Benefits and Services
    1. Program benefits and services (together the “Benefits”) may change without notice.
    2. Program benefits and services include:
      1. Free virtual home energy consultation
      2. Contractor selection advice
      3. Quote comparison guide
      4. EnerGuide home evaluation report review
      5. Upgrade documentation review and advising
      6. Energy efficient upgrade information and advice
      7. Rebate application guide
      8. Program completion package
      9. Limited and special offers
    3. Free Virtual Homes Energy Consultation
      1. The Consultation consists of 1 phone-based or software-based virtual consultation of up to 1 hour maximum to discuss items identified in Program Registration form with an Energy Expert.
      2. The Consultation can be rescheduled 2 times before the request is cancelled.
      3. The Energy Expert may provide the following services to homeowners and community groups:
        1. Answer questions about home energy upgrade recommendations in a completed EnerGuide report
        2. Help Participants determine the right home energy upgrades to meet Participant needs and budget
        3. Help Participants understand contractor quotes and confirm CleanBC and/or Canada Greener Homes rebate eligibility of quoted products/services
        4. Answer Participant questions related to home energy improvement
        5. Discuss optimal timing for home energy upgrades
      4. The Energy Expert does not provide the following:
        1. Any kind of home certification
        2. Product installation services
        3. Site visits
    4. Support Planning Upgrades
      1. Planning supports include contractor selection advice, quote comparison, and EnerGuide home evaluation report reviews.
      2. Contractor selection advice includes how to engage a contractor, including what questions to ask, red flags to be wary of, and guidance on what to look for in quotes of proposal.
      3. The program will not select or engage a contractor on behalf of the participant.
      4. Quote comparison support includes review of up to 4 current quotes for a single upgrade. Expired quotes will not be reviewed.
      5. Quote requests consisting of more than 4 quotes to review will result in the program requesting the participant to select their preferred 4 for comparison.
      6. Natural gas space heating quotes will not be reviewed.
    5. Rebate Application Support
      1. Rebate application support will consist of documentation review to assess alignment with rebate program requirements, guidance on where to apply, and creation of a Rebate Application Guide.
      2. The Rebate Application Guide is a support document and worksheet providing step-by-step guidance for participants to prepare their submissions to rebate programs.
      3. The program will not submit rebate applications on behalf of participants.
    6. Program Completion Packages
      1. Participants who complete the program will receive a complimentary program completion package consisting of an assortment of branded goods that may included a mug, tea, and other similar goods. Contents may vary over time.
      2. Optionally, participants may submit a Testimonial. To submit a testimonial, participants must complete and submit a Testimonial Release Form, provided by the Home Energy Navigator Administration or Collaborating Party, to have their testimonial listed in the Testimonial gallery.
      3. The Program reserves the right to reject testimonials not aligned with the purpose of this program.
      4. The program may also elect to schedule a photoshoot in collaboration with the Participant providing the Testimonial. In these instances, Participants will be provided a complimentary copy of select images from the photoshoot for personal use.
      5. Participants who complete a photoshoot as part of their testimonial will receive a $100 Visa or Mastercard Gift Card, mailed to the address on file. Gift cards are limited quantity and provided on a first come first served basis until quantities run out.
    7. Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer (Limited Offer)
      1. The Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer is a limited time special offer only available in the Greater Victoria region to qualifying participants.
      2. The Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer is limited quantity and available on a first come first served basis while quantities last.
      3. To qualify, participants must have a fossil fuel primary space heating system upon registration and the home must be within the Capital Regional District.
      4. Participants must register online at ( to access the Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer.
      5. Participants accessing the Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer must have a pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation with a program partnered Energy Advisors to access the offer. Participants will be referred to program partnered Energy Advisors.  EnerGuide Home Evaluations conducted by Energy Advisors who are not program partnered will not receive the Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer benefits.
      6. Neighbourhood Energy Navigator Offer benefits consist of:
        1. A $150 Pre-Retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation Subsidy;
        2. A Retrofit Roadmap Report that utilizes efficiency modelling from the pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation and breaks down upgrades into bundles, provides guidance on installation costs, rebates and incentives; and
        3. A 1-hour consultation with a program partnered Energy Advisor on the results of the pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation and Retrofit Roadmap Report.
    8. Kelowna EnerGuide Assessment Subsidy Offer (Limited Offer)
      1. The Kelowna EnerGuide Assessment Subsidy Offer is a limited time special offer only available in the City of Kelowna to qualifying participants.
      2. Registrations must be received on or after February 01 2025.
      3. The Kelowna EnerGuide Assessment Subsidy Offer is limited quantity and available on a first come first served basis while quantities last.
      4. To qualify, participants must:
        1. Be registered with the Home Energy Navigator Program.  Participants can register online at (
        2. Have a fossil fuel primary space heating system upon registration
        3. The home must be within the City of Kelowna
        4. Must be interested in installing a ducted heat pump (central heat pump or dual-fuel heat pump)
        5. Within 12 months of registering for the program, must receive the pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation, complete upgrades, and receive the post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation
      5. EnerGuide Evaluations are paired and will not be offered individually.  A home must access a pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation through this offer to access the subsidized post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation.
      6. Home upgrades must be completed between the pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation and the post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation.
      7. Participants accessing the Kelowna EnerGuide Assessment Subsidy Offer receive their pre-retrofit and post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation with the program partnered Energy Advisor to access the offer. Participants will be referred to the program partnered Energy Advisor.
        1. Home Evaluations conducted by Energy Advisors who are not program partnered will not receive the Kelowna EnerGuide Subsidy Offer benefits.
      8. Kelowna EnerGuide Assessment Subsidy Offer benefits consist of:
        1. A fully subsidized Pre-Retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation;
        2. Fully subsidized additional heat pump sizing services at the Pre-Retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation including: duct sizing, heat load calculation, and electrical panel sizing assessment.
        3. A fully subsidized Post-Retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation;
        4. A 1-hour consultation with the program partnered Energy Advisor on the results of the pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation.
      9. Once a participant accesses the Pre-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation, the post-retrofit EnerGuide Home Evaluation subsidy will be reserved for a maximum of 12 months.
        1. One extension of 6 (six) months may, at the Program’s sole discretion, be provided to participants whose upgrades take longer than this timeframe.
        2. The Program is not obligated to provide extensions to any participants.
        3. In the event that a participant’s upgrades takes longer than the allocated 12 months, the Program will cancel the reservation, remove the participant, and re-allocate the funds, unless an approved extension is granted by the Program.
      10. The Program reserves the right to end this offer at any time without notice.
      11. By registering for the Kelowna EnerGuide Assessment Subsidy Offer, participants consent to:
        1. the disclosure of the personal information collected during their energy evaluations by GreenSpace EcoConsulting to City Green Solutions for the purposes of program evaluation, including measuring energy and greenhouse gas savings;
        2. the disclosure of their EnerGuide home evaluation file numbers by City Green to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) for program evaluation purposes; and
        3. the disclosure of their EnerGuide home evaluation file numbers and evaluation data by City Green and/or GreenSpace EcoConsulting to the City of Kelowna for program administration, evaluation, and reporting purposes.
  6. General terms and conditions
  7. The Program reserves the right to revise the Program Terms without notice, including revisions to Benefits, Program Offers, and eligibility requirements.
  8. Decisions of the Program are final and binding and not subject to appeal. The Program may provide reasons for their decisions but are under no obligation to do so.
  9. The Program reserves the right, without incurring any liability, to reject registrations to the Program that it determines, in its sole discretion, are incomplete, inaccurate, or otherwise do not meet applicable Program requirements. A Program registration will be considered incomplete if it is missing required documents, information is incomplete, or if the Program requests additional details.
  10. The Program reserves the right to reject or refuse support requests that are deemed out of scope for the program for any reason.
  11. The program has a zero tolerance policy for harassment, abuse, and discrimination. The program reserves the right, without incurring any liability, to deny service to any individual conducting themselves in an aggressive, disrespectful, harassing, abusive, or discriminatory manner.
  12. If a Program registration is received incomplete, the Program may void the registration if the Participant fails to provide a fully completed registration within ten business days after receiving a request to do so by the Program.
  13. The Participant is solely responsible for safe removal, decommissioning, and modification (where applicable), and disposal/recycling of old equipment in accordance with all applicable laws.
  14. Participants are responsible for meeting all Program requirements and ensuring products are installed and in accordance with all applicable laws, orders, ordinances, standards, codes and other rules, licenses, and permits of all lawful authorities, and in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
  15. Participants are solely responsible for choosing Energy Advisors and meeting all Program requirements.
  16. Participants are solely responsible for applying for rebate programs, including but not limited to the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program rebates and the Canada Greener Homes offers.
  17. Participants are solely responsible for selecting a Contractor.
  18. Participants are solely responsible for selecting the individual upgrades to be installed.
  19. The Program does not endorse any specific product, retailer, Energy Advisor or contractor, and are not liable for the Participant’s selection of materials or products, or the workmanship, operation, performance or warranty associated with any Benefits or associated work performed, whether by a contractor, Energy Advisor, or otherwise, in relation to the Program. The Program makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, in respect of any product, materials, services or measures associated with any Benefits accessed in relation to the Program, or with respect to the energy consumption figures or energy-efficiency recommendations included in any EnerGuide home evaluation. Actual energy consumption and costs depend on a host of factors beyond the control of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the District.
  20. The Program does not guarantee, and accepts no liability for, the level of energy savings achieved by a Participant under this Program.
  21. The Program and its Collaborating Partners are not responsible under any circumstances whatsoever for the actions, omissions, recommendations or advice of any contractor or Energy Advisor engaged by a Participant in connection with the Program.
  22. Participants hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the Program, its Collaborating Partners, and their respective directors, officers, agents and employees from all liability, damages, claims, demands, expenses, and costs for claims, costs for injury or death of any person, damage to or destruction of property and all economic loss suffered by any person arising from or occurring by reason of the Program, receipt of a Benefit(s) or actual or alleged preparation, installation or use of the Benefit(s), including any actions or omissions by third-party consultants or contractors in the preparation or delivery of the Benefits(s).
  23. The Program, including its Program Terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia.
  24. Access and use of personal information and protection of privacy
  25. The Program and its Collaborating Partners are collecting, using and disclosing the personal information on the Program application and registration materials for the purpose of administering the Program, evaluating the effectiveness of the Program and undertaking analysis and research to inform changes to existing programs and the design of new energy-efficiency programs.
  26. The Program and its Collaborating Partners collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIPPA”) and its Privacy Policy (which is located at The Program’s collection, use and disclosure of the personal information on application and registration forms is undertaken in furtherance of the Program’s climate action mandate. If Participants have any questions regarding the information collected on the Program registration or application forms, they are invited to call the Program at 250-381-9995.
  27. By signing the Program application and registration form, the Participant consents to:
    1. the disclosure of their personal information, as provided by the Participant in any Program application or registration materials, to the Program and any Collaborating Party and their respective affiliates and contractors, for the purposes of administering the Program, evaluating the effectiveness of the Program and undertaking analysis and research to inform changes to existing programs and the design of new energy-efficiency programs;
    2. be contacted by the Program (or their authorized agents) by phone, email, direct mail or similar method for the purposes of administering, evaluating and researching all elements of the Program.


The Home Energy Navigator Program acknowledges that it conducts its business on the Traditional Territory of the Lək̓ʷəŋən speaking peoples. We recognize the First Nations governments across this region-Lək̓ʷəŋən (Songhees) and Xwsepsum (Esquimalt) Nations here in the core area, the W̱SÁNEĆ Nations {W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), SȾÁUTW̱,(Tsawout) W̱SIKEM (Tseycum)} out on the Saanich Peninsula and Gulf Islands, to the west Sc’ianew (Beecher Bay), T’Sou-ke, and Pacheedaht, and MÁLEXEȽ (Malahat) and Pune’laxutth’ (Penelekut) Nationsconnection to the land that continues to this day.